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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Movin On Up!!

Well.....we be movin on UP....to the WORDPRESS!!!!!!!


The Rainbow Podsquad Network is moving the website starting Sunday 1-28-2007

Our new website is now located at www.rainbowpodsquad.com well you might say...thats always been the website address....well...yes...but now it is redirecting to our new wordpress site and the direct address for that is http://rainbowpodsquad.wordpress.com

Now RELAX you do not have to worry about the RSS FEED it will stay the same which is http://feeds.feedburner.com/rainbowpodsquad

So just make sure if you have us bookmarked and it is showing this blogspot address...then change it BITCHES cause we will be NO LONGER BE UPDATING THIS BLOG all new entries and shows will appear on the new site starting NOW!!!

If you should have any questions...or just need help or a shoulder to cry on...then drop us an email at the squad rainbowpodsquad@gmail.com

Hope everyone enjoys our new site !!!!!!!!!


Friday, January 26, 2007

HTR-PTw/AJ-153-Gay Perfection

Stupid Girls, Hillary Bitch Fight Showdown, Early, Go Hillary and Edwards, State of the So Called Union, Help Me Understand, Civilian Guard-WTF, The Bush Family War, The Headlines of Ignut Crap, That So Called Health Plan, Blair Feels the Heat, Nancys Reaction, Special Love going out to the Bean and Chritiaan of the SaturnCast, Pizzababe is Fabulous and she has a new website, Aj and the Freak Network?, Washington is going to the Gay Rehab for the F Word! and then finally on into todays big topic: "Gay Perfection"
Thank you Matthew of Spanking Bea Arthur for inspiring me to podcast today! I'm just sorry you had to be submitted to such ignorance and that I couldn't have been there to slap some bitches DOWN!
Ladies this is a topic that we have hit on before, but today we go indepth!


CuppaTea-AJ's Blog
Matthews Blog
SaturnCast w/Christiaan and the Bean
The Freak Network.com

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

BC22 | United Turds of England

Ok so like after the second attempt i should be able to save the podcast and upload it right? yes after losing the first recording of this show i managed to record it again and here it is so enjoy it!

In this episode of the bubblecast we talk about…

RPSN Appology to Ms Veve
Catholics Church Blackmails Gay Poeple
Schools hold “british Lessons”
Addicted to the Pepsi Max Now
Sleeping is resolved finally
Many More….

So kick back and enjoy the show, i have to run orf to college now and be a geek!

Monday, January 22, 2007


cup of tea

Crazy BBC Screen Test Intro on Crack-featuring Sam of the BubbleCast, Big Bloated World Wide Apology to The Lady The Diva-Ms. VeVa LaWhore, Castles in the Sky, Bush Health Care Hot Mess, Greys Anatomy - Washington goes on a "Clean up my Dirty Name Mission", Dems coming out of the woodwork for 08 race, Paris Gets Probation, Shoutouts:Tigger,Ms Hipps, SoyCandles by Phebes, BubbleCast and Last Night Outro.



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Sunday, January 21, 2007

HTR-PTw/AJ-151-Crabs at the Skype Pussy Parlor

AJ is joined today by Sam of the Bubblecast and the Rainbow Podsquad Network and Zillafag of the Zillacast and the Freak Network.

Second Life Party, Pizzababe's Whore House, Zilla Purchased a COCK, the Homeless Homo, New Teen Podcaster, Buying Everyone Domains, Domain Theft, GayTeenSpeaking.com, AJ says what is on everyone elses mind, Club Age, ID Required, Sammies Pussy is Asleep, Showering with your pets, Dirty Pussy, Sams Condition, Winds in London, Cat with Air Miles, WhoreHole.org WH20 the xtube video, Crabs and the Rids, The Rose, Zilla Gets sick on the Prolapse, Sam is totally freaking out about the xtube video, Retards are great, No Money Shot, Straight Acting, The Bring Tigger to Ohio Fund!, The Bring Sam to Ohio Fund, The Roomate comes home, Retro-Keyboards, Aj starts taking his keyboard apart during the show to clean it, Harry is HOT...WIlls looks like a HORSE!, Zilla has a Child...who knew?, T or K - when did it change, Podcast Stalkers, the Queen might be a lesbo and loads more fun on this HTR-PT Skypecast!!


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BC21 | Mellow Magic

Oh my god like how tradgic is this. So we have now reached the 21st episode of the bubblecast with Sam, and a few changes have been made and we are starting a regular Sunday show.

In this episode of the bubblecast we have a mellow theme, got a bit of Gonzales to listen to as well for the intro/outro, Sam has (again) been up for 2 days - the insomnia wont die you know! So we have an unprepared show, We talk about Skype doings, Blog news and changes, cry for help item (like anyone is going to take that seriously lol), China space war, Pope Bent-Dick news, Clinton running for 2008??, Oh and apparently China has a religion - WTF?!?, Plus your emails, thoughts and opinions read out on the show.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

HTR-PTw/AJ-150-From the Pillow

After listening to Tiggers most recent TiggerCast....AJ was motivated to talk about his own experiences with the drug monkey!


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Friday, January 19, 2007

BDV20 / BubbleCast / Izzit?

Sam does not hear christina aguilaria’s thoughts, talking about the winds over here in London, houses and chimneys flying, Oprah ritchest woman in showbiz, Celeb Big Brother Racism, Rwanada Crashes Death Penalty, Sam is not a drugy!!!!, Emails, and finally the Opinion Poll, Question of the week, Loads of other spews.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Queerspresso-052-On UR Knees

Nick and AJ talkin bout Nintendo, Bullriders, LAZYSCRANTON, why str8 men are scared, Nick losing it with Paul, celebri-whore news, don't hold yo pee, queening out, gay movie reviews, beta internet tv, Golden Globes, it's fuckin cold, and other fanfagulous shit on this episode of QS.


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BDV19 / BubbleCast / Am i god?

This bitch is pumping out shows like puppies!!!!!

Show Notes

Identity Crisis
Me Learning De Patois (Jamaican)
You can Learn jamaican
Bubbles transformed into street Queen
Music OCD???
Possibly!Am i God???
Breeding Gay Rastas
InsoniaaaaaShow Title - Your Ideas!!
Nick & Andy’s New Podcast
RPSN Special News
RPSN in talks with Hezbollah, IRA, Al’Qaida, Hammas, Al Hajjah, MafiaCollege NewsWorld News / Current Affairs


Lazy Scranton

Check out Nick and Andy's new show Lazy Scranton! This show is Nick and Andy's view of NBC's "The Office". Listen to favorite moments, hilarious banter, and chatting about the episodes from the pilot to present.


Subscribe to Lazy Scranton

Lazy Scranton iTunes button

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Monday, January 15, 2007

BDV18 / BubbleCast / Jimmi-Carn

OMG i swear ime going OCD on Boney-M.

This is the BubbleCast Episode 18, bit of a short show today, as i have soooo much work to be doing, assignments due in for this Friday,

Topics covered include………
The Departed, Leo HOT, Matt NOT
7/7 Terror Trials in London England Darrrrrling,
London Underground Deaths
TFL Pushes Fares Up!-Bastards!
Fat Spray - Obesity Pills/ChewinGum
And other Spews as well lol

Sunday, January 14, 2007

HTR-PTw/AJ-149-HTR World News-The Stupid Report


The Stupid People News Report w/AJ on the PillowTalk
Peso Pizza Drama, Wee Wee for Wii, The 11 stone Doggie, MJ's Pharmacy Bill from Hell, David & Victoria Beckham are Cummin to America, Footballers Wives, Doctor Who, Tigger Shoutout, Chaney on the Fox News, No More Checks and Balances in this Cuntry!, New Snap thingie on Wordpress, Shoutouts, Sorry Tristian!


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HTR-PTw/AJ-148-Show Before the Show


Join AJ as he rambles on in this Show Before the Show episode of the HTR-PillowTalk!
Cleaning the house, listening to the TiggerCast.com, new show coming out tonight, crazy stories from the intranets, check out my blog for more details of what is coming up on tonights show, Monica, sex sheets, washing machine, Simple Pleasures, Thank you Christiaan for being on the program, Pizzababe is fabulous, No time to feel down, Could AJ fake a sickness and go visit Tigger in the LA's, John M, Time Warner Rant, Work to much, The Blackgirl makes an Apperance on the show, We love the Bean, Doggie Nails, AJ is white trash, listen to the new show tonight!!


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