HTR-PTw/AJ-153-Gay Perfection

Stupid Girls, Hillary Bitch Fight Showdown, Early, Go Hillary and Edwards, State of the So Called Union, Help Me Understand, Civilian Guard-WTF, The Bush Family War, The Headlines of Ignut Crap, That So Called Health Plan, Blair Feels the Heat, Nancys Reaction, Special Love going out to the Bean and Chritiaan of the SaturnCast, Pizzababe is Fabulous and she has a new website, Aj and the Freak Network?, Washington is going to the Gay Rehab for the F Word! and then finally on into todays big topic: "Gay Perfection"
Thank you Matthew of Spanking Bea Arthur for inspiring me to podcast today! I'm just sorry you had to be submitted to such ignorance and that I couldn't have been there to slap some bitches DOWN!
Ladies this is a topic that we have hit on before, but today we go indepth!

CuppaTea-AJ's Blog
Matthews Blog
SaturnCast w/Christiaan and the Bean
The Freak

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